Saturday, October 15, 2011

Book Arts...

I've failed to post about my other classes. So this post is just to update you folks on what I've been up to in good ole book arts. Book arts is not a craft (aka arts and craft). In this class we learn the traditional techniques of book binding. We use materials that are archival, also known as expensive paper that will out live you. So far in the semester, we've been learning the different types of bindings. At the end of the semester we'll have to create a book with content. Like, for realz content; no journals, no photo albums....but artistic concepts. Aside from that, here's a book I'm currently working on.

Isn't that paper just fun! This one's just a mock up, but on Friday, I worked for five hours just tearing paper and getting my final book ready for Tuesday's class. 

Look at all that lovely paper. Seriously, I could tear paper forever. It's so relaxing.

My lovely work space. Check out the half eaten hot pock. I forgot to eat lunch that day and all I had was a lame sauce hot pocket. Oh, and let's not forget how messy I am and, oh the fact that I shouldn't be eating whilst I work. Bad habit.

Voila! Book is ready to be sewn in.

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